This is our new library page where our Librarian Mark Rojas will introduce the new additions to our library. He will also preview new books and list future purchases here.

There are several new additions to our library. Check out a book and enjoy it for several weeks! Bring it back and check out another one. Brother Rojas is busy buying new books every month. It was voted on by the Brothers of Helios Lodge to let other Lodge Brothers sign out books from the library. Just visit lodge when we are there and find a book you are interested in and sign it out. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for new additions to our library. We now have 1050 books in our library!!



Here is a link to our very own Roger McNear as he reads a pod cast.








Photo section

Most recent on top, prior events farther down the page.

WB Brett held a college graduation event at Lodge December 14th. Congratulations WB Brett!!



FC Degree held at Helios Lodge on November 26th. Two Brothers from Mora Lodge and two from Helios Lodge. Congratulations to Brother Mike in the red and Brother Joel in the blue shirt to the right!



EA Degree put on by Forest Lake Lodge October 24th. Helios Brother Mike is front and center.



Master Mason Degree for Corey and Jace on June 25th. Congratulations!



EA Degree on May 28th 2024 Congratulations Joel!



Six additional Fire Suppression Tools donated to Isanti County First Responders.



FC Degree 4-30-24. Congratulations Brothers!



EA Degree 2-27-24. We welcomed Corey and Jace!



Eight Brothers from Northeast Winslow Lewis Lodge traveled to Helios Lodge on 1-16-24 to capture the Helios EA Degree Big Gavel Traveling Trophy.


Six Helios Brothers traveled to Northeast Winslow Lewis Lodge 1-15-24 to capture the MM Proficiency Sword Traveling Trophy. New MM Eli proved up most excellently to capture the trophy and bring it to Helios Lodge. Congratulations MM Eli!


Helios Lodge Installation of Officers 1-7-24. New Master John Swisher front and center. Congratulations Worshipful Master John!


Helios Lodge Christmas party on December 3rd 2023


Christmas party photo. Having fun!!


Egress project 11-28-2023. The walls are up, the interior is insulated. Next is sheetrock and building the stairs. Then the door opening will be opened in the basement.


October 3rd Side walls are up and waterproofed. Next step is building the walls higher and adding the roof. Then the stairs.


October 2nd Cement floor is in the egress well. Side walls are up above ground level. Progress!!



September 13th Egress project is under way.


Fellow Craft Degree September 12th 2023. Welcome Brothers!



Helios Brothers hard at work in the kitchen for the pancake breakfast 10/23/22


Dining room shot of our pancake breakfast 10/23/22. Lots of visitors!


Our newest EA! Welcome Lorron Moffatt on 10/11/22


Pancake breakfast crew at 7:00 in the morning!! 5-1-22. The breakfast was a great sucess, over 90 people served.



Brother Dan serving up pancakes 5-1-22.



WB Jim checking in with the Master,, "All OK Boss?"



Five new Mastor Masons were raised March 1st at Helios Lodge.

Two were from Helios Lodge, Two were from Forest Lake Lodge, and one was from Ancient Landmark Lodge. Contratulations Brothers!!!


Strategizing in the kitchen before the big event! "Potatos on one!"


Potato feed dinner 2/26/22 was a great success! We served over 150 potatos!


Our newest EA, Maxwell Borner January 25th


WM Bill Vice's Installation January 9th


The groceries before bagging them up December 14th

Some of the Brothers at the annual award day and Holiday Party at Helios

November 30th 2021. Second Degree for Br. Tom Loberg and Br. Drew Silveira. (front row L-R)


Br. Bob Fredell at his 50 year pin award, we had cake!


October 19th Stated meeting. Bob Fredell received his 50 year pin from the Grand Master.



October 24th Pancake Breakfasts are back!! WM Jaden and JD Joel are hard at work.


Pancake breakfast October 24th 2021. Lots of fun! (See the Helios Light for the whole story)


Weekend of October 8, 9, 10th 2021, Helios Lodge held a Boy Scout merit badge weekend. The Scouts earned their rifle shooting and archery merit badges.


Firearm safety was taken very seriously by everyone.


Highway Clean Up Day May 13th 2021. Thank you to all the Brothers and sons that showed up to fulfill our obligation to clean up highway 95 west of Cambridge.



Funmasters Disk Golf outing May 8th 2021 at Cambridge City Park. We had a great time. WM Jaden was a great coach. Through Br. Tony Rush Ryan construction bought us all lunch. Thank You!!



Entered Apprentice Degree 01-14-2020 Our newest Brother Tony, front and center.



Installation of Officers Sunday January 6th 2:00 p.m.


Helios' Awards Day and Holiday party December 30th 2018. WB Andrew Barrett reading an award.


Isanti County Fair July 2017 Kids Day. Helios Lodge passed out brochures about child

safety called "Take 25". Take 25 minutes to talk to your child about safety at home, at

school and on line.

Helios Lodge had four Brothers: Ken Sutton, Bob Fredell, Bill Vice and Mark Rojas

come out and assist with passing out materials and spreading the word about our

Kids ID night at Lodge in conjuction with Night to Unite Tuesday August 1st.

Scott Milliman's Third Degree 12/06/16
Shriners Hospital Sporting Clays shoot April 30th
Pictured left to right Rose, Dan, W.M. Scott, James, Erin, Emily
Kitchen before remodeling Mid January 2016
Library/dining room just after it was packed up January 10th 2016
Master Mason Degree June 24th 2014 Jayden and Andy are our new Brothers Front and center! WB Pat Cahill was Master
Entered Apprentice Degree 07/29/14 New Brothers John and Dennis With Master Scott Fredell front and center
EA Degree May 6th 2014 Raised: L & R front row Nicholas Watts and Brent Anderson
EA Degree November 12 2013
E.A. Degree September 24th 2013
Masonic Cancer Center Sporting Clays Shoot at Wings North August 24th 2013
Masonic Cancer Center Sporting Clays Shoot August 24th 2013
Masonic Cancer Center Sporting Clays Shoot August 24th 2013
Night to Unite August 6th 2013
Night to Unite August 6th 2013
Night to Unite August 6th 2013
Sweetheart Dinner February 16th 2013
Sweetheart Dinner February 16th 2013
Sweetheart Dinner February 16th 2013
Officers for the year 2013



Here we will display the new books that our Librarian Mark Rojas has added to our library. Also our library is now air conditioned!

Newly added books include "The Mysteries of George Washington" "Who Can Best Work and Grow" Growing a better lodge for membership and growth. Added 11/15/22

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